Monday, June 14, 2010

Modul 3 Post 2- A Tabloid Society

Have you ever thought about what a tabloid society we have become ? How we idolize our sports heroes, movie and TV stars and politicians, yet, are so quick to revel in their misery during a scandal. There are many reasons we have evolved to this point. The 24/7 news cycle of CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News as well as the Internet and blogs will now take the most insignificant story and turn it into the most discussed issue of our times. Professor Kalm mentions the Brangelina phenomenon. At least they are two talented actors, but what about Balloon Boy, Jon and Kate, and Paris Hilton ? We know more about the lives of the untalented than anyone has the right to know. A couple sneaks into the White House, a serious security breach, so how does our society deal with them? By heaping tons of free publicity to them and getting them their own reality show.

Do we really care how many women Tiger Woods slept with ? Bill Clinton, yes. He was the President carrying on in the Oval Office. But, Tigers only judge and jury should be his wife, and she split, so why won't the story go away ?

Yes, there is a point where TMI is on overdrive. Reality TV has also contributed to this. You can't fool all of us, we know reality TV isn't really reality its just a scripted show. Yet, we are making stars out of some of the most obnoxious people to think they were famous. Please, who really has time for Omarosa, Snooki or any of the C-list celebrities on Dancing With the Stars ? Just think Simon Cowell walked away from hundreds of millions of dollars on American Idol for just sitting there and winking at the girls and telling the guys they sound like karaoke singers. And don't even get me started on Donald Trump.

So as my blood pressure returns to normal and my veins pop back into my skin think about this the next time you see a tabloid headline or sit down to watch your favorite reality show. Why do you really care about this ? Wouldn't I be better off writing another blog for my ICM 506 class ?

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